Saturday, February 9, 2013



Who is she that looks forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and awesome as an army with banners”
                                                   Song of Songs 6:10

The last phase of the Journey of the Scribe is the apotheosis of the Sojourner, which is the elevation of a Sojourner into an Ave, where he is inducted into the Grove of Gold. At this phase, the Sojourner after being born anew is called a new name, the name of an Ave, given by the Divine Presence and symbolic of the newness of being that has now become his life. The Transfiguration of the Scribe, hallowed and alluring, was declaimed by the sage in the 27th Song:

                   And you will possess me
                   Like light lulled at twilight
                   And it the roseate of your glorious sight
                   I will of the world not despair

                                            Helix (Acadian Flycatcher, Empidonax virescens)

   The beauty of the light that endues the Scribe here shines out to the world, like an asteroid,alluring every eyes drawn to behold it, enthralling Nature to cadent in delight and reverence, satisfying the Scribe from inside to fill his soul to overflow with joy. The sage sang further of this mystical light in the 45th Song thus:

                    You light a fire in my heart
                    In my ignorance
                    Amidst shades of the starkly dark
                    I ripple with a wondrous radiance

                                                     Corona (Tufted Titmouse, Baelophus bicolor)

After a Scribe has become inducted into the Grove of Gold, a new life begins for the Sojourner, reflecting his new status as a god in the Garden of the Divine. The Sojourner now sees the world as it is, so small when seen from the clouds, actuated by divine prompting to eternity. Hear the sage echoing the silvery prayer of the Scribe at transfiguration in the 61st Song:

                     Talk to me
                     About the sunset and the sky,
                     The descent of doves
                      Where beginning of starry dreams lie

                                                Afterglow( Whippoorwill, Caprimulgus vociferans)

The Journey just began....still bold enough to follow through...Saturn calleth

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