Friday, March 29, 2013



  ‘…I have drunk my wine with my milk’

                                                           Song of Songs 5:1

The third course shared in the glorious dinner with the Divine is the ‘Wine of Ecstasy’ served by the angels in attendance. This distilled wine, made from the heavenly vine, is poured out from a silvery cask into a flagon of gold and shared round the Holy Table for each Sojourner present to take a sip from. 
The Wine of the Infinite, sung about by the sage in the 9th Song is the elixir of Aves, which sources a well of delight in them upon being tasted, opening up vistas of pristine conditions of the Soul. Hear the tones in the 3rd trope:

                                   If I can charm
                                   The time
                                   With a wine
                                   To heed my lyrical term

                                                                                Lilt(Superb Lyrebird, Menura novaehollandiae)

To drink the Wine of God, the miraculous distillation, is not to get drunk. It is rather to be intoxicated on the joy of God, to get a peep of the glorious delirium experienced by saints and consecrated sages. At being endued by this ecstatic vision, they sing in celestial tunes, weaving tales of miracles and mysteries. Of this sight, the sage sang in the 57th Song of the Holy Corpus;

                                       Be my eye
                                       When I fly
                                       To see the smallness
                                       In soaring greatness

                                                                           Lux (Starling, Lamprotornis nitens)

A sip of the Wine of Shaliz will set the mind eye alight to see into hidden things and disguises and to be able to grasp a bit into the Eternal Mystery. It is only a fool who will believe he or she can hear or see God with the mortal eyes or ears, not to mention to touch the Divine. Even in recorded history only a few but celestial beings have ever seen God because He is a spirit. It is the Wine of God, distilled from His flawless brew, which can give the Scribe an opening to feel God’s mystery which overcomes all ignorance and darkness. The sage singing of the divine opening in the 62nd Song intoned:

                                   Angels are
                                   All around
                                   Showing the cryptic signs
                                  Disguised in dreams and divine designs

                                                                                                Silhouette( Veery, Carthasis fuscescens)

Fellowship with the Sage...... get your copy of the Book of Songs on Google books and in online stores worldwide

Sunday, March 24, 2013



‘I have come into my garden, my sister, my spouse. I have gathered my myrrh with my spice: I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey’

                                           Song of Songs 5:1

The 2nd course of the Holy Banquet is the ‘Honeycomb of Stars’ which is simply a metaphor for the sweetness of God. Sweetness varies in the mortal life but the sweetness of the divine life of an Ave is like honey that outlives its maker by thousands of years. It is given for free at the Holy Table, passed around in a gold plate for each Scribe present and dining to take a righteous bite from and be filled with magical delight. Hear the sage singing of his sight at the taste of this Holy Honeycomb in the 46th Song:

                             Walking the Milky Way
                             With all men
                             Innocent as children
                             In the sweet silence of yesterday

                                                      Friday (Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus)

At the taste of the ‘Honeycomb of Stars’, a Scribe becomes filled with a surpassing light that illuminates all the corners of his ignorance, letting the Scribes see anew the beauty that abound in the world around them and be able to appreciate such intangible blessings like a ripple of water, a floating gossamer, a sleeping baby and exalt the majesty of God again and again, having come to know the worth of the grace invested in the new life given, enjoyed most lavishly in the sweetness of the divine honeycomb.

 The sage declaimed this rhapsody in the 36th Song:

                          I never knew
                         The sweetness of sound
                         Till draped in dusky yew
                          I mimed the melody of a band

                                         La (Mockingbird, Mimus polyglottus)

The Honeycomb of Stars, eaten by world stars and majesties, is the nutrient needed to cloy in the womb of wisdom where great icons arose and to take a bite of this divine sweetness, at the Holy Table is the greatest privilege ever. The vision that follows upon its intake is the mould upon which the Sojourner’s foray in the maze of matter is cast and it therefore behooves on the Scribe to keep faith in their trek of destiny, remembering the sweetness of God in moment of thirst and aridity. The sage in evergreen adumbration sang in the 13th Song;

                        A vivid vision
                        Cast in the coils of the crust
                        To mold my mission
                         When the world becomes nothing but rust and dust

                                                   Modem ( Verdin, Auripus flaviceps)

For the Called, remember the original books are now available on Google Books and in stores worldwide. Be not afraid to know and be reborn 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013



‘Sustain me with cakes of raisins, refresh me with apples: for I am sick with love’
                                                                   Song of Songs 2:5

The first course to be served at the Holy Table of the Aves is called ‘The Fruit of Light’. This fruit, like a glowing orb, is cropped from the Mystical Tree of Light at the Grove and its taste simply is out of the world. When a Scribe is signaled to pick from the basket of fruits at the glorious dinner, he feels a righteous ambivalence tugging at his heart, to know the one to pick amongst the alluring colors of orbs shinning before him or her. Because the Fruits of Light are many shades of an essence and its taste is according to its shade. Therefore, to chose the destined orb is to be prompted by the content of Shaliz imbued in the Scribe which leads his or her hand to the fruit of their destiny. The sage sang of this direction in the 18th Song:

                                         A leaf led my heart
                                         To the truth
                                         Of your worth
                                         Beneath the bareness of your earth

                                                                                                       Module( Waxwing, Bombycilla cedrorum)

For Aves, the importance of divine direction cannot be overstated. This is because in the world of matter a lot of decisions are incumbent on us to make every minute of our waking life. Various great questions of existence is thrust upon our intellect all day long which as mortals we are ill equipped to solve owing to the deficiency of the senses to solve the mystical puzzles of being. The sage, all immanent in wisdom sang of this great burden in the 54th Song:

                                      Who am I
                                      Going to be
                                      In my nocturnal quest
                                      To know the deep mystery of being

                                                                                                             Paradox( Anhinga, Anhinga anhinga)

   Therefore, seeking answers from the Divine through the Leaf is a special privilege afforded to Aves, who sitting on the same table with the Holy Presence and feeding from the Mystical Fruit of the Grove, finds their souls filled with joy and contentment, sourced from the answers embedded in the sugar of the Mystical Apple. Of this the sage sang in the 63rd Song:

                                     I was looking
                                     For fruit
                                     To raise a root
                                     When I found flowers

                                                                                              Cobalt (Common Nighthawk, Chordelies minor)