Friday, March 29, 2013



  ‘…I have drunk my wine with my milk’

                                                           Song of Songs 5:1

The third course shared in the glorious dinner with the Divine is the ‘Wine of Ecstasy’ served by the angels in attendance. This distilled wine, made from the heavenly vine, is poured out from a silvery cask into a flagon of gold and shared round the Holy Table for each Sojourner present to take a sip from. 
The Wine of the Infinite, sung about by the sage in the 9th Song is the elixir of Aves, which sources a well of delight in them upon being tasted, opening up vistas of pristine conditions of the Soul. Hear the tones in the 3rd trope:

                                   If I can charm
                                   The time
                                   With a wine
                                   To heed my lyrical term

                                                                                Lilt(Superb Lyrebird, Menura novaehollandiae)

To drink the Wine of God, the miraculous distillation, is not to get drunk. It is rather to be intoxicated on the joy of God, to get a peep of the glorious delirium experienced by saints and consecrated sages. At being endued by this ecstatic vision, they sing in celestial tunes, weaving tales of miracles and mysteries. Of this sight, the sage sang in the 57th Song of the Holy Corpus;

                                       Be my eye
                                       When I fly
                                       To see the smallness
                                       In soaring greatness

                                                                           Lux (Starling, Lamprotornis nitens)

A sip of the Wine of Shaliz will set the mind eye alight to see into hidden things and disguises and to be able to grasp a bit into the Eternal Mystery. It is only a fool who will believe he or she can hear or see God with the mortal eyes or ears, not to mention to touch the Divine. Even in recorded history only a few but celestial beings have ever seen God because He is a spirit. It is the Wine of God, distilled from His flawless brew, which can give the Scribe an opening to feel God’s mystery which overcomes all ignorance and darkness. The sage singing of the divine opening in the 62nd Song intoned:

                                   Angels are
                                   All around
                                   Showing the cryptic signs
                                  Disguised in dreams and divine designs

                                                                                                Silhouette( Veery, Carthasis fuscescens)

Fellowship with the Sage...... get your copy of the Book of Songs on Google books and in online stores worldwide

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