Monday, January 14, 2013




‘ I sleep, but my heart wakes: it is the voice of my beloved that knocks, saying, open up to me, my sister, my dove, my perfect one: for my head is filled with dew, and my locks with the drops of the night’
                                                                                                             Song of Songs 5:2

The Journey of the Scribe continues into the 2nd phase which is the Awakening stage. For the sage sang of creation in the 2nd stanza of the 5th Song thus:

                                      Sweet sound
                                Broke the boundless bound
                                Of blood and brine
                                To mold me a sonorous spine

                                                                                     Sonance (Pipit, Anthus spidetta)

The Sojourner after hearing the Call emerges from sleeping state into state of consciousness like a bird leaving the eggshell, taking first tentative steps upon the earth, expectant of flight into the Cycles of Light on the way to the Grove.

The Awakening of the Sojourner which follows upon hearing of the Call is the phase of molting. By molting, it means the shedding of old skin of a Sojourners’ past life which becomes purified in the water of life to emerge a new born filled promise of Light. The sage sang on:

                                          Such a true
                                Love to own
                                In the dew
                                Of a new dawn

                                                                   Quartz ( Brant, Branta bernicla)

Just like birds sing gaily at dawn to celebrate a rising sun, the Awakening of the Sojourner, much akin to the beauty of sunrise, fills the Sojourner with a new strength and vision and propel the journey forward through the perils and joys of the road. Upon awakening from mortal sleep like the Adam of old, after knowing the Mystical Tree, a Sojourner becomes endued with extant wisdom to discern the truth of the path to the Grove of Gold and to become intimate with nature, knowing things by their name, understanding the meanings behind phenomena, having been illuminated in the dark of the unknown being. Of this Illumination the sage sang in the 18th Song:

                                      A leaf led me
                               In my minstrel’s wandering
                               Along slanted frieze
                               Towards the meaning of a thing
                                                                        Module (Waxwing, Bombycilla cedrorum)

The Awakening of the Sojourner, stirred by the Call of the Aves, heralds light as it unfolds in the sky, opening up vistas of delight, magic and new discovery as the Sojourner progresses along the concentric course of Destiny. The sage called sweetly in the 2nd stanza of the 1st Song beckoning on the Sojourners thus:

                                           See the gentle glides
                                And their azure murmurs
                                Flow along with the tides
                                Into the grey core

                                                              Purl(Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea)

And so the Journey plows further....

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