Friday, January 11, 2013



‘Until the day breaks and the shadows flee away, I will go up the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense’
                               Song of Songs 4:6
The Journey of the Scribe is a trip fraught with perils and trials and only the bold and courageous can stand till the end. But this should not be cause for despair as other Sojourners have traveled the road before with testimony of success just as the sage sang in the 3rd stanza of the 46th Song:

                    I have trod this path
                Before today
                Walked its rugged way
                In my hapless traverse to rebirth
                                                              Friday (Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus)

To the Sojourners invited the latin maxim ‘ad astra per aspera’ meaning ‘To the stars through diffculties’ should be their mantra as they trudge along the tortuous road to the Grove. The Journey, mostly taken in the night, is in six phases and I will set them out in ascending order to be keenly seen by the discerning eyes gifted with the Light as the sage sang in trenchant tones of the sight thus:
                          As I gaze
                   In a purple haze
                   Upon concentric cones
                   Of somnolent shades and tones
                                                                  Column ( Pyrrhuloxia, Cardinalis sinuatus)


             ‘O my dove, in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the cliff, let me see your face, let me hear your voice; for sweet is your voice, and your countenance is lovely’
                                                                                                             Song of Songs 2:14

The Journey of the Scribe begins with the Call. The Call, which is a message from the Divine, is the beckoning order that activates the search and is not heard with the mortal ears but in the heart of being. The sage, singing of the Call in the 50th Song, chanted:

                                            Hear the hallowed contralto
                                     The surging refrain
                                     Of its intimate strain
                                     Coming from the remotest hollow
                                                                      Saturn (Bird of Paradise, Paradisaea apoda)

By this verse it is told of the Call to be of six elements which I will set out for the Sojourners’ understanding serially.  The first element of the Call is its sacredness. The Call, being of the Divine, is pure and perfect in delivery and abhorrent of insincerity. The Hearer of the Call, upon the explosion of the Song, feels its holiness in the Silence that accompanies it. The Silence forms an halo around the Call making it clear and unmistakable, piercing into the depth of the soul. The sage sang:

                                          When the night falls
                                  On the western sky
                                  I will rise to the call
                                  Spoken in the silence of sound
                                                                                        Helix (supra)
The second element of the Call is its tenor which is said to be a contralto. By contralto it means the call will be gentle, sensuous and alluring-the voice of Mother Earth. When the Hearer of the Call hears the Song, its sound stirs his soul to rise to the sky in search of the Grove as the sage sang in the last song of the corpus thus:

                                        Lead me on
                                Up through the haphazard hills
                                And low of labyrinthine valleys
                                To the nest for why I was born

                                                                            Id (Common Gull, Larus canus)

Further, the third and fourth elements of the Call are fused together. The twin element contained in ‘surging refrain’ translates to the persistence of the chorus that rings in the Inner Ears of the Hearer of the Call. This ‘surging refrain’, particular to each Sojourner, becomes a thought constant on the mind , like a mantra or motto, suffusing the psyche to the exclusion of every other thing.  Of this the sage sang in 1st stanza of the 27th Song thus:

                                         When the sun sets
                               In the evening sky
                               I will merge with the call
                               Heard in the deep of heart
                                                                                  Helix (supra)
The fifth element of the Call is in its intimacy. When the Hearer of the Call perceives the Song, there exists a kind of kinship with it ingrained in the gene like an ancient trait. The sage sang further in the 11th Song:

                                   In one of these
                             Dark droplets
                             Is the chart of my course set
                             Swimming the timeless sea to six
                                                                     Cells (Bulbul, Pycnonotus barbatus)

The sixth element of the Call deals with its source-the remotest hollow of being. The Call, being divine in nature, is sourced in the deepest depth of being and because of its ancestry is composed of all knowledge existent. Singing of the immanence of the Call the sage regaled thus:
                                      Before the beginning
                             Of origin
                             Africa was the reason
                             That gave meaning to a measureless nothing
                                                                         Nebula ( Hummingbird, Calothorax lucifer)

Having seen the six elements of the Call, the Sojourner by these parameters will be able to discern the path of destiny upon the calling of the Song. Because the Call is the beginning of the Journey, it is at this threshold of faith that the will of the Sojourner will be tested to know its strength and weakness and to give direction to the Sojourner’s course in line with the song of the sage that goes thus:

                                             Quickening my wings
                                  Toward the track
                                  Where travels the flock
                                  Heading to the helicoids of rings

 The Journey continues.....

1 comment:

  1. This is a brilliant piece! Philosophical and full of insights,this is a must-read for the discerning and thirsty mind. Keep it up, Wale!
